Real time, Interactive Instruction via Satellite and Internet
CSU Chico, with a distinguished history in distance education, has been offering interactive televised classes over a wide area of northern California for over 20 years. The Master’s and B.A. degree program in computer science has been offered to corporate sites throughout the U.S. via satellite since 1984. In August 1995, NIC in cooperation with CSU Chico offered an introductory program on satellite education directly uplinked from the Chico campus to NIC’s Tokyo campus.
Since September 1996, General Education courses such as Human Geography, Sociology and Logic and Critical Thinking and others have been offered to U.S. students at CSU Chico and Japanese students of NIC in Tokyo via satellite television twice a week per course. It is the first time that such a satellite class has been made part of a regular credit course between U.S. and Japan. The students at NIC also have direct access to the Chico faculty and facility via NIC’s computer network, which is linked with a dedicated line to the University of Tokyo.
Interactive Instruction via Internet with on-site Teaching Assistant
Since January 1999, CSU Fresno has been offering a 3 credit English–Literature course from its General Education core curriculum to NIC students.
The course is provided with WebCT and CD-ROM, under the supervision of on-site teaching assistant and the interactive instruction by "Chat", "e-mail", and visual connection via "NetMeeting" with a professor at CSU Fresno.