”the” は特定のものをさすときに、”a” は一般的なものをさすときに用いる。
例) I bought the book for my friend.
I bought a book for my friend.
初めて触れるときは “a”、二度目からは “the” を用いる。
例) When I went shopping, I bought a nice red sweater. However, I thought the sweater was very expensive.
比較級(-er)や最上級(-est)を使う時には “the” を用いる。
例) Akiko is the nicest girl in class. Her mother is the most talented woman.
国、河、地域、山脈などには “the” を用いる。
例) On my vacation last year, I took a cruise boat on the Atlantic Ocean to the United Kingdom.
The Rockies are beautiful this time of the year.
楽器、発明品、動物種には “the” を用いる。
例) Susan plays the guitar. Hiromi plays the piano. The automobile is a greater invention than the phone.
特別なものや1つしかないものには “the” を用いる。
例) Some people are worried about the ozone layer.
例) We bought furniture at the store. We looked at cars because I want to buy one.
wrong, right, first, second, only, sameの前では必ず”the”を用いる。
例) The first reason is very simple. She got the right answer to the question. John watched the same game that I watched. The only reason why I came was to see you.
I read a book about the street children of India.
“Today started out to be a terrible day. The first part of the day was the worst part. I woke up to the sound of rain. I was really hungry, so I had bacon and eggs. To my surprise, the bacon was too greasy and the eggs were too salty. I also made coffee because I need it every morning. However, the coffee I made was very bitter. I couldn’t drink it at all. Then I turned on the television to watch my favorite program. I watched a show about the alligator. It was interesting, but 30 minutes after it started, the television stopped working. I was very angry. Things were not going well for me at all. Finally, my luck changed. The sun came out and everything started to get better. My bad day turned out fine after all. “
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